About this website

This is the homepage of Andrew Varley, headmaster at Saint Mede’s School for Girls, an educational establishment run along traditional lines, where errant students are dealt with in the time-honoured fashion.

The content on this site is mixed. Some of the images are posed by kink-friendly professional models. Some are amateur – recordings of women who have visited Mr Varley for correction and who have wanted images captured for posterity. No images are shown without consent; the blushes of discrete visitors remain private.

Mr Varley

Andrew Varley MA is headmaster of Saint Mede’s. A well-spoken English gentleman in his mid-40s, he has dealt with scores of errant females in his time leading the school – and long before:

“I have fantasised about CP and spanking for as long as I can remember. I spanked my first girlfriend – very quietly so as not to wake the family! – aged 16, and since then have enjoyed meeting all kinds of people to explore kink. I particularly enjoy roleplay, and fantasy ‘school’ and ‘college’ scenarios. My favourite position is classic over-the-knee spanking, but naughtier students can expect to be at the receiving end of other implements – from belt and hairbrush to paddle and cane. Scolding, corner-time, hand-smacking, lines and mouth-washing can be – and frequently are – used to reinforce a sore bottom.

“I enjoy play relationships that develop over time and am just as happy meeting those taking their first steps into kink as I am meeting those who, like me, have been around a while longer.

“Scroll down the page to see what you can expect from a visit to the study.”

* All play at Saint Mede’s is between consenting adults over the age 21 and all images on this site are of adults over the age of 25, professional models or otherwise, who have given permission for their images to be published.

The headmaster’s study

The headmaster’s study is based in a Victorian mansion with a host of period features including inglenook fireplace, parquet flooring, vintage classroom chairs, big leather sofas and – of course – a leather-topped HM’s desk. A wood-stove keeps the high-ceilinged study warm for evening appointments. Aside from the study, there are various locations in the house, including corridors in which to await the HM; antique-decorated bathrooms; and a range of bedrooms with vintage furniture.

“Errant students can expect to find themselves over various pieces of furniture: an expansive sofa; the desk; a wooden spanking podium… My collection of implements includes canes, wooden brushes, paddles and straps. There is even an old apple tree in the garden with very whippy fronds…”

The property is located in a discrete rural location south of Carlisle, Cumbria, with quick road links to the M6 and rail links with the west coast mainline (Oxenholme and Penrith). The property has three private bedrooms to offer accommodation in one of the loveliest parts of the UK.

Scarlot awaits her appointment in the HM’s study in one of the corridors in Saint Mede’s.

Discrete & safe

A visit to Andrew Varley is 100% discrete, with your safety a priority. Limits are discussed in advance of meeting; a safeword put in place and limits are never pushed. Sex is not part of any appointment.

Visiting the headmaster’s study

What can you expect when visiting Andrew Varley in the Headmaster’s study?

“We will already have discussed your reasons for visiting me for correction; whether that be for specific behaviour – past or present; whether it is to explore kink; whether it is part of a role-play fantasy; or whether it is to be punished for a real-life transgression. 

“Any meeting will begin with a cup of tea and a chat. Mr Varley may be a no-nonsense (and if-needs-be strict) Headmaster when chastising errant students, but before and after a visit to the study you will put you at your ease; we will discuss the scene we are to engage in; we will confirm safe words and be clear about boundaries. 

“There’s plenty of space in the house for privacy for changing. I have a large collection of authentic traditional schoolwear and nightwear – but you are equally welcome to bring your own.” 

Once changed, you will report, with invitation letter, to the Headmaster’s study, where your behaviour will be discussed at length. You will be scolded and lectured for your misdemeanours and told – in no uncertain terms – what punishment you have earned.

Luckier students will sign the punishment register and be punished there and then. Those in need of more considered discipline will be asked to stand in the corner, face against the wall, to consider their behaviour and the fate that awaits them. 

When the Headmaster feels they have had a chance to reflect, they will be asked to assume the position – for most students this will be over the Headmaster’s knee; for more serious offenders it might be across the antique desk. Here final preparations will be made: skirt up, knickers down – before chastisement begins.

Mr Varley does not rush these appointments. A particularly badly behaved student can expect to spend half-an-hour or more across his knee, being lectured and soundly smacked. Only when the Headmaster is confident the lesson has been learned will she be allowed to rise, red-bottomed, for more corner time.

“The above describes a fairly typical visit to the study. More serious infractions earn more severe punishment: a traditional 12 of the best across the desk; a flogging of the hands; belt across the behind; the birch… I am happy to explore various aspects of role-play and discipline so you get what you want from your visit.

“After punishment has been carried out, the appointment is complete and we relax with tea, cake and a chat.”

Does the above sound like something you’d like to explore? Interested in another CP scenario? Then feel free to get in touch… I’m always happy to chat with like-minded folk about their fantasies; I am open-minded, non-judgemental and have a wide-reaching and fairly unshockable imagination 🙂

Film & photography

“Aside from an interest in all-things-spanking, I also have a passion for photography and film. I am a published photographer (mountain landscapes and portraiture) and if you would like beautiful images – or video – from your time in the HM’s study, I can provide it.

Some students enjoy being on film and having a visual record of their visit; some don’t. The choice is yours; no imagery is ever either taken or uploaded without express permission. I am also occasionally available for freelance photography, lighting and videographer work for kinky projects; get in touch if you’d like to chat further.”